This Is the Reason Why Malaysia Becomes Your Next Study Destination!

Selasa, 10 Maret 2020 - 17:04 WIB

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This Is the Reason Why Malaysia Becomes Your Next Study Destination!

 Malaysia is a federal country consisting of 13 states and three federal territories in Southeast Asia which has an area of ​​329,847 km² and was inhabited by more than 30,697,000 people in 2015.

 The country, which is separated by the Natuna Islands, has tuition fees and living expenses that are still in the comfort zone and affordable for Indonesian students.

Baca Versi Indonesia
 The country with the slogan “Allied Increasing Quality” has many universities that are suitable for you to continue your education.  So what made you make Malaysia a place to continue your study destinations?  Quoted from, there are a number of reasons you should know so that you must continue your education in this neighbor country.

 1. International Environment and Education Programs

 Malaysia has many private universities that offer attractive offers by collaborating with several foreign ID universities to organize collaborative programs.  This program is better known as Twinning.  Through this program, students have the opportunity to get an overseas degree by studying in Malaysia.  In addition to offering international collaboration programs, Malaysia has several universities which are branches from abroad, such as the University of Nottingham, UK and Monash University Australia.

 2. English as the Main Introduction

 The climate of international education is truly formed in Malaysia.  Starting from international scale universities, international collaboration programs, to the language of instruction in lectures that use international languages, namely English.  English is used as the main introduction to teaching and learning activities in almost all private universities in Malaysia.  For students from Indonesia who incidentally are not countries with an official introduction
 English, Malaysia can be a suitable place to develop and hone English language skills.

 3. Education Quality Assurance

 The number of overseas tertiary institutions that are willing to collaborate with educational institutions in Malaysia is one of the clear proofs that the quality of education in this country has been recognized internationally.  In addition, the standards and quality of education in the neighboring country have also been regulated and supervised by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act 2007 and the Private Higher Education Institutions Act 1996.

 4. Curriculum Relevant to the World of Work

 By collaborating together
 Higher education institutions from abroad, Malaysia continues to provide educational programs with relevant curriculum and keep abreast of the needs of today’s workforce.  Not only theoretical knowledge is offered in the lecture program, but practical skills also become the main provision given to students in order to meet the needs in the world of work later.

 5. Harmonious Multicultural Countries

 Being visited by various students from abroad, Malaysia is known as a harmonious multicultural country.  It is not difficult to find various races and ethnicities in this place. This cultural diversity is actually a good opportunity for international students as a medium to interact with different cultures and perspectives as provisions when released to the world of work later.

 6. Affordable Living Costs

 In 2010, the results of EXA International’s study stated that Malaysia is one of the countries with a fairly low cost of living.  Even so, the sophistication and completeness of public facilities and infrastructure in Malaysia cannot be underestimated.  You name it, the transportation system that has beenarranged in such a sophisticated manner in order to provide a convenient and adequate public transportation falsity for the people.  In addition to some of the reasons above, Malaysia is also known to be very open with students from abroad who want to study in their country.

 This is evidenced by the easy submission of student visa applications and the possibility for them to bring their families with them.  In addition, this student visa also provides flexibility for students to work part time in certain sectors, with a limit of 20 hours per week.
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